1955 MG TF
What we know:

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**Item Details:**
- **Title:** This is a list of images with different aspect ratios for various screen sizes.
- For desktop (lg): `68bcf3d.jpg`
- For wider screens (`3:2`, `4:3`, `16:9`):
- `https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/jT5q8jIQ08SEGM7OQ6XYdn7cNwU=/900x600/...`
- `https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/_g3TN_dxniB2mYrOTqdiecHCJBQ=/900x675/...`
- `https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/WnsCBJZkRVYXiUhHsPq-7eWroZU=/900x507/...`
- For full-size: `https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/mybKU9F_RS6FAwq8ab_K48-12WU=/900x0/...`
- **Alt Text:** Not specified in the provided JSON.
**Listing Details:**
- **Long Title:** "Previously Restored and Recently Refurbished: 1955 MG TF Convertible"
- **Start Date:** September 26, 2024, at 7:00 AM EST
- **Current Bid:** Not specified (null value)
- **Has Reserve:** Yes (`true`)
- **Is Featured:** No (`false`)
- **Offer Count:** Not specified (null value)
- **Reserve Met:** No (`false`)
**Other Details:**
- **Listing Date:** August 9, 2024, at 10:46:53
- **Listing Type:** Auctions
Last bid: