1941 Hudson Commodore

Ended: 8 months ago — 21:30 UTC on 6 / Aug / 2024
What we know: 1941 Hudson
1941 Hudson Commodore
1941 Hudson Commodore
This JSON object represents a listing for an auction item on the Hemmings website. Here's a breakdown of its contents: 1. **Item Details:** - The item is a restored 1941 Hudson Commodore Two-Door Touring Sedan. - It has multiple images with different aspect ratios available, as indicated by the "images" key: ``` "images": { "lg": {...}, ... "xs": {...} } ``` - The item was listed on July 24, 2024 at 8:36:13 AM. - It is currently being auctioned off with a starting date of July 30, 2024 at 7:00 AM EST. - The current highest bid is $14,500. 2. **Auction Specifications:** - The listing type is "auctions". - There is a reserve price set by the seller that has not been met yet ("reserve_met": false). - It is not marked as a featured item ("is_featured": false). 3. **Other Information:** - There is no offer count available at this time ("offer_count": null).
Last bid: $14,500
