What we know:
Based on the provided JSON data, here are some key points about the current listing:
1. **Vehicle Information:**
- Make: Ford
- Model: Escort RS Cosworth (based on the "parse_make" and "parse_model" fields)
- Variant: Not specified in the given data
2. **Listing Details:**
- ID: f4eb0abe-80fa-4f3f-9825-ec2fa41ea25e
- Auction End Date: 19th July 2021 20:00:00 (end-date)
- Start Price: Not specified ("starting-price": null)
- Buy Now Price: £0 (buy-now-price-formatted)
- Reserve Price Status: Reserve not close (reserve-colour)
3. **Price Information:**
- Current Highest Bid: £0 (highest_bid_formatted)
- Maximum Viable Bid: 7,500,000 (maximum-viable-bid)
- Listing Fee: £360
4. **Auction Details:**
- Contact Method: Email (contact-by)
- Auction Footer: Contains disclaimers and additional information about the auction process.
5. **Other Information:**
- Year-from: Not specified ("year-from": null)
- Registration Number: K472 EFS
- Timeremaining: 1626721200 (seconds, which is approximately one month from June 25th, 2021)
Note that there's no information provided about the vehicle's mileage, condition, or additional features. Also, the listing fee and buy now price are formatted for display but not specified as numerical values.
To get a better understanding of the vehicle and auction details, I suggest checking the "parse_make", "parse_model", "location-country-name", and other related fields in the full JSON data provided initially.
Last bid: