1973 Honda CB
What we know:

Based on the provided data, here's a summary of the listing:
- Model Year: 1973
- Make/Model: Honda / CB-CB100
**Image Info:**
- Original Image URL: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/_5e6lo5658fJGXEBjZRZujPjb5g=/900x0/3388853/1973-honda-cb-cb100-1228986-2667c27af297d359be30fb2d054153a3.jpg>
- Different aspect ratios and sizes available for xs (extra small), default, and full image.
**Listing Details:**
- Title: "Ride or Show: 1973 Honda CB100"
- Start Date & Time: November 1, 2024 at 07:00 AM EST
- Reserve Price: Yes (has_reserve=True)
- Featured Listing: No (is_featured=False)
- Offer Count: Not available (offer_count=null)
- Reserve Met Status: No (reserve_met=false)
- Listing Date & Time: October 29, 2024 at 1:27 PM
- Listing Type: Auctions
- Current Bid: Not available (current_bid=null)
- Current Price: Not available (current_price=null)
Last bid: