1959 Lamborghini Lamborghinetta Tractor

Ended: over 1 year ago — 18:01 UTC on 27 / Aug / 2023
What we know: 1959 LamborghiniTractor — VIN: 2959A
1959 Lamborghini Lamborghinetta Tractor
1959 Lamborghini Lamborghinetta Tractor
The vehicle is a distinctive 1959 Lamborghini Lamborghinetta tractor, manufactured in the United States. This unique machine belongs to a limited production run of approximately 823 units between 1957 and 1962. The tractor showcases its distinctive design with an orange and blue finish. Its power comes from an air-cooled DL 20 diesel twin engine, linked to a three-speed dual-range manual transmission driving the rear wheels.
Last bid: $14,750
