21-Years-Owned 1968 Mercury Cougar XR-7 7.0-Litre GT-E

Ended: almost 3 years ago — 20:11 UTC on 15 / Feb / 2022
What we know: 1968 Mercury — VIN: 8F93W550450
21-Years-Owned 1968 Mercury Cougar XR-7 7.0-Litre GT-E
21-Years-Owned 1968 Mercury Cougar XR-7 7.0-Litre GT-E
The vehicle is a classically vintage, 21-years-owned Mercury Cougar from the year 1968. It's a prestigious XR-7 variant with an impressive 7.0-Litre GT-E engine under its hood, hailing from Elkhart, Indiana in the United States.
Last bid: $157,000
