FORD Lotus Cortina Mk1 FIA Race car
Based on the provided data, here's a bullet-point summary of the listing for a Ford Cortina:
- **Vehicle Details:**
- Maker: For
- Model: Cortina
- Registration: FUS648C
- **Auction Information:**
- Auction Started On: 03-06-2021 16:49:28
- Auction Ends On: 24th June 2021 19:30:00
- Remaining Time (as of updated-at date): 1624559400 seconds (~18.75 days)
- **Pricing:**
- Starting Price: Not specified
- Buy Now Price: £5,600,000 (formatted)
- Highest Bid: £49,000 (~$64,923 USD as of July 1, 2021 exchange rate)
- Listing Fee: £360
- **Reserve Status:**
- Reserve Met?: Yes
- Reserve Color: Close (indicating bids are close to the reserve price)
- **Other Information:**
- Vehicle ID: cortina
- View Count: 0
- Transferred: Not yet transferred
- Bidder Approved: Pending
- Seller Approved: Not approved
- Developer Emailed?: No
- Maximum Viable Bid: £15,000,000 (~$204,769 USD)
- Offline Sold Price: None yet
- Location: United Kingdom (GB)
- Contact Method: Email preferred
Last bid: