1958 Jaguar XK150
What we know:

Based on the provided data, here's a summarization of the lot:
**Lot Details:**
- **Model:** 1958 Jaguar XK150 Fixed-Head Coupe
- **Listing Type:** Auctions
- **Start Date and Time:** July 17, 2024 at 7:00 AM EST
- **Current Bid/Price:** $72,500
- **Reserve Met:** No (has_reserve = true and reserve_met = false)
- **Is Featured:** No (is_featured = false)
- **Offer Count:** Not Specified (offer_count = null)
- **Listing Date:** July 9, 2024 at 8:09 AM
The lot has images available in various aspect ratios and sizes:
- Original (original image URL provided)
- Medium (4:3 aspect ratio): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/bl4mD73cOpE_gVzpgFfSsclZugg=/900x675/3090820/1958-jaguar-xk150-s834923bw-eee00330c42bfe797616cf5879df4c4a.jpg>
- Wide (16:9 aspect ratio): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/LTyOi9HsHHuLSXXOYTaT1bKoYSQ=/900x507/3090820/1958-jaguar-xk150-s834923bw-eee00330c42bfe797616cf5879df4c4a.jpg>
- Full Size (no height limit): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/O3tWa25e-TS-fS3efS3QNdH_1cc=/900x0/3090820/1958-jaguar-xk150-s834923bw-eee00330c42bfe797616cf5879df4c4a.jpg>
Last bid: