1971 Honda CB

Ended: 4 months ago — 22:15 UTC on 8 / Nov / 2024
What we know: 1971 Honda
1971 Honda CB
1971 Honda CB
Based on the provided JSON data, here's a summary of the item being auctioned: - **Item Details:** - Make & Model: Honda CB100 (1971) - Auction Type: Auctions - Listing Date: October 28, 2024, at 5:26 PM - Start Date: November 1, 2024, at 7:00 AM EST - **Images:** - The item has different image sizes and aspects ratios available, including: - Landscape (4:3) and full-size images for large displays. - Square (1:1), portrait (3:2), widescreen (16:9), and small square (1:1) images for xs devices. - **Auction Status:** - The item has not yet reached its reserve price, as indicated by `reserve_met` being false. - There are no current bids (`current_bid`: null). - It's not a featured item (`is_featured`: false). - **Other Information:** - The long title of the listing is "Stylish Commuter: 1971 Honda CB100". - There's no information about offer count(`offer_count`: null) or current price (`current_price`: null).
Last bid: $750
