1978 Volkswagen Type 2
What we know:
**Vehicle Details:**
- **Year:** 1978
- **Make:** Volkswagen
- **Model:** Type 2 (Bus)
- **Variant:** Karmann Caravan Camper
**Dimensions & Aspect Ratios:**
- **Large Screens:** 4:3, 16:9, Original (900x675, 900x507, 900x0)
- **XS Screens:** 1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9, Full Size (120x120, 120x80, 120x90, 120x68, 120x0)
**Auction Details:**
- **Listing Title:** Brazilian RV: 1978 Volkswagen Karmann Caravan Camper
- **Start Date:** September 9, 2024 (07:00 AM - EST)
- **Status:** Not started yet (Listing date: September 4, 2024)
- **Price:**
- Current Bid: Not available (No bids placed yet)
- Reserve Price: Not met (Has reserve: Yes)
- **Type:** Auction
- **Offer Count:** None (No offers made yet)
**Image URLs:**
- Large screens:
- Original aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/Ew208GEwze2oZkeyBFJcMX8IglY=/900x675/3252296/1978-volkswagen-type-2-bh52174rem-54a11a99a9fba2fec5cba2571a9be1c6.jpg>
- 4:3 aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/Ew208GEwze2oZkeyBFJcMX8IglY=/900x675/3252296/1978-volkswagen-type-2-bh52174rem-54a11a99a9fba2fec5cba2571a9be1c6.jpg>
- 16:9 aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/RJ6Dr4I_qyrWfGwcjL_RtXQdmqs=/900x507/3252296/1978-volkswagen-type-2-bh52174rem-54a11a99a9fba2fec5cba2571a9be1c6.jpg>
- Full size: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/SF_jllYsq934mzrJMczYCLtYf6M=/900x0/3252296/1978-volkswagen-type-2-bh52174rem-54a11a99a9fba2fec5cba2571a9be1c6.jpg>
- XS screens: Available under 'xs' key in the JSON object with aspect ratios 1:1, 3:2, 4:3, and 16:9.
Last bid: