1968 Ford Mustang

Ended: about 2 months ago — 21:02 UTC on 6 / Feb / 2025
What we know: 1968 — First GenerationFordMustang
1968 Ford Mustang
1968 Ford Mustang
This appears to be JSON data related to a listing on Hemmings Classic Cars for a 1968 Ford Mustang Hardtop. Here's a breakdown of the information provided: **Listing Details:** - **ID:** 8r01c157017 - **Title:** Refreshed and Upgraded 1968 Ford Mustang Hardtop - **Start Date:** January 30, 2025, 07:00 AM (EST) - **Listing Date:** January 24, 2025, 12:48 PM - **Type:** Auction - **URLs:** Various thumbnail and full-size image URLs in different aspect ratios: - Large (900x675, 900x507, 900x0) - Medium (600x600) - Small (120x120, 120x80, 120x90, 120x68, 120x0) **Additional Information:** - **Bid:** No current bid. - **Reserve:** Has a reserve price that has not been met yet (reserve_met = false). - **Offer Count:** Unknown. - **Featured Status:** Not featured. This information suggests that the listing is for an auction starting on January 30, 2025, with no current bids and a reserved price. The lot includes images of the 1968 Ford Mustang Hardtop in various sizes and aspect ratios.
Last bid: $19,250
