1975 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale
What we know:

Based on the provided JSON data, here's a summary of the item:
**Item Details:**
- Item Type: Vehicle (1975 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale Convertible)
- Auction Start Date: July 15, 2024
- Listing Date: June 27, 2024
- Listing Type: Auctions
**Current Status:**
- Current Bid: $5,700
- Has Reserve: Yes (Reserve not met yet)
- Featured Item: No
**Image Details:**
The item has images with different aspect ratios stored at various URLs. Here are some examples:
1. Landscape (16:9):
- Large: https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/csZFdehU0kH6q22rr8BQNvTAGMU=/900x507/3041787...
- Small (XS): https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/r9O7zVRoslBoVxPMx0k1jYLezg8=/120x68...
To view all image URLs and formats, please inspect the 'images' object in the JSON data.
**Additional Information:**
- The item has no offers yet (offer_count: null)
- It does not meet reserve price requirements (reserve_met: false)
Last bid: