1985 Mercedes-Benz 300SD

Ended: 3 months ago — 22:00 UTC on 9 / Jan / 2025
What we know: 1985 Mercedes Benz
1985 Mercedes-Benz 300SD
1985 Mercedes-Benz 300SD
Based on the provided JSON data, here's a summary and some key details about the vehicle: **Vehicle Details:** - Year: 1985 - Make: Mercedes-Benz - Model: 300SD Sedan - Mileage: Less than 37K miles ** images:** The JSON contains multiple image URLs in various aspect ratios (1:1, 3:2, 4:3, 16:9) and sizes suitable for different devices, such as desktop (900x675), tablet (320x240), and mobile (120x120). You can find these images in the "images" field. **Auction Details:** - Start Date: January 2, 2025 (7:00 AM EST) - Current Bid: $5,000 - Reserve Met: false (The current bidding has not yet met or exceeded the reserve price.) - Listing Type: Auctions **Other Information:** - Long Title: "1985 Mercedes-Benz 300SD Sedan With Less Than 37K Miles" - Listing Date: December 24, 2024 - Offer Count: null (Not specified how many offers have been made or how many times the current offer has been raised.)
Last bid: $39,500
