1957 Volkswagen Beetle
What we know:

Based on the provided data, here's a summary of the listing for the restored 1957 Volkswagen Type 1 Beetle Deluxe Sedan:
1. **Photos:**
- Original image URL: https://i.imgur.com/6561.jpg
- Resized images in different aspect ratios and sizes:
- Large (4:3, 900x675): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/_7jbUlGrQ4T0D1fi66iPC_mwzeY=/900x675/3306561/1957-volkswagen-beetle-1489553-72242ebbd3e1c2d44110a0e0e1a48e8c.jpg>
- Medium (16:9, 900x507): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/1gy9_QVJ1EZ5cLXA-5WnkeYWVbg=/900x507/3306561/1957-volkswagen-beetle-1489553-72242ebbd3e1c2d44110a0e0e1a48e8c.jpg>
- Full (original aspect ratio, 900x0): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/sbt5bmoRXg1Aty304tmG5nk45eU=/900x0/3306561/1957-volkswagen-beetle-1489553-72242ebbd3e1c2d44110a0e0e1a48e8c.jpg>
- Small (various aspect ratios): <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/3G6HZYIGkQdNmMc53sVrYvov6RA=/120x120/3306561/1957-volkswagen-beetle-1489553-72242ebbd3e1c2d44110a0e0e1a48e8c.jpg> (and others)
2. **Details:**
- Title: Restored 1957 Volkswagen Type 1 Beetle Deluxe Sedan
- Start date of auction: September 26, 2024, at 07:00 AM EDT
- Listing date:September 10, 2024, at 3:54 PM (probably the time when the listing was created or updated)
- Auction type: auctions
3. **Bidding:**
- Current bid: Not set yet (null)
- Has reserve? Yes (has_reserve: true)
- Reserve met? No (reserve_met: false)
- Offer count: None yet (offer_count: null)
4. **Pricing:**
- Current price: Not yet determined (current_price: null)
Last bid: