1961 Buick LeSabre
What we know:
Here is the structured data from the given JSON:
**Image URLs:**
- Large (lg) images:
- 1:1 aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/a4HdKZldfbI5J4_DVHiZmHDFWos=/900x900/3289490/1961-buick-lesabre-e80fdcffdbc69bf5db2eddb986f068f3.jpg>
- 3:2 aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/H0mBH5P1aSFtbzTyTgCr-8H_sTA=/900x600/3289490/1961-buick-lesabre-e80fdcffdbc69bf5db2eddb986f068f3.jpg>
- ... and so on for 4:3, 16:9, and full sizes.
- Extra Large (xl) images:
- 1:1 aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/a4HdKZldfbI5J4_DVHiZmHDFWos=/900x900/3289490/1961-buick-lesabre-e80fdcffdbc69bf5db2eddb986f068f3.jpg>
- ... (similar formats as lg)
- Small (xs) images:
- 1:1 aspect ratio: <https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/yrd3_wxeQU3Vqbna6BNZ5Z3DAec=/120x120/3289490/1961-buick-lesabre-e80fdcffdbc69bf5db2eddb986f068f3.jpg>
- ... (similar formats as lg)
**Vehicle Details:**
- Year: 1961
- Make and Model: Buick LeSabre Two-Door Hardtop
- Listing Type: Auctions
- Listing Date: 2023-10-04 10:44:37
- Start Date (Auction): 2024-10-03T07:00:00-04:00
- Current Price and Bid: Not yet set or started
- Reserve Met: False (No, the reserve price has not been met)
- Has Reserve: True (Yes, there is a reserve price set by the seller)
- Featured Listing: False (No, it's not a featured listing)
Last bid: