1993 Ford Mustang
Based on the provided JSON data, here's a summary of the item for auction:
**Item Details:**
- **Title:** Low-Mile 1993 Ford Mustang LX Convertible
- **Images:** [View images](https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/EAK55yn_h7wvvGpMrhhpdz5XtLU=/900x675/3141619/1993-ford-mustang-1facp44e0pf167378-457a2913e1e98e2f58d98344d8f42bef.jpg) ( various aspect ratios and sizes available )
- **Start Date:** August 1, 2024, at 7:00 AM ET
- **Listing Type:** Auction
**Bidding Information:**
- **Current Bid:** Not yet active (null)
- **Reserve Met:** False (reserve price not yet met)
- **Is Featured:** False (not featured in any special lots)
**Additional Details:**
- The auction has no recorded offers (offer_count: null)
- It was listed on July 25, 2024
- It has the 's' attribute set to "xs" which might indicate that it's a mobile or small screen version of the listing.
Please note that all datetime information is in the format `YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ±ZZ:Z`. In this case, the time zone is Eastern Time (ET/UTC-04:00).
As there are no prices provided (`current_price` and `reserve_met` are boolean), we can infer that bidding has not started or the information is yet to be updated.
Last bid: