1930 Ford Model A
What we know:

Here's a formatted summary of the given data:
**Vehicle Information:**
- **Year:** 1930
- **Make/Model:** Ford / Model A Deluxe Sport Coupe
- **Images:** (Available in different aspect ratios and sizes)
- Original: https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/kq5AMdmsdLXUaH7a6VcWi-yQpP4=/900x600/3003615/1930-ford-model-a-sc7947pa-854c0e3aa5c1a88cf4adef5ffc2c15ad.jpg
- Others (in different aspect ratios): ...
**Auction Details:**
- **Listing Type:** Auctions
- **Start Date:** June 26, 2024 at 7:00 AM EDT
- **Current Bid:** $18,500
- **Reserve Met:** No (has_reserve is true and reserve_met is false)
- **Is Featured:** No
- **Offer Count:** Not available (offer_count is null)
**Listing Information:**
- **Listed On:** June 24, 2024 at 8:44:35 AM
Last bid: