1993 Ford Taurus

Ended: 3 months ago — 21:15 UTC on 6 / Jan / 2025
What we know: 1993 Ford
1993 Ford Taurus
1993 Ford Taurus
Based on the provided JSON data, here's a summary of the listing for a 1993 Ford Taurus SHO: **Vehicle Information:** - Make and Model: Ford Taurus SHO (1993) - Image URLs: - Large: `https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/Pc6Xz3npqxek8Fd7_ydC0dzm3EA=/900x675/3491312/1993-ford-taurus-1facp54p5pa258893-7b8db34bf5967252da1d085b834c8300.jpg` - Small (XS): `https://thumbor7-production-auction.hemmings.com/widL6I73huk5tCgRntWY3L6Al_M=/120x0/3491312/1993-ford-taurus-1facp54p5pa258893-7b8db34bf5967252da1d085b834c8300.jpg` **Listing Details:** - Title: Low-Mile 1993 Ford Taurus SHO - Listing Type: Auctions - Start Date and Time: December 30, 2024 at 7:00 AM EST (-5:00) - Listing Date: December 12, 2024 at 2:34 PM - Current Price (Starting Bid): Not specified - Has Reserve: True - Is Featured: False - Offer Count: Null (not available) - Reserve Met Status: False **Additional Information:** - It's unclear from the provided data whether this vehicle is currently undergoing an active auction or not, as bidding information such as 'current_price' and 'current_bid' is null. - The listing has different image aspect ratios for large images ('4:3') and small (XS) images ('16:9').
Last bid: $5,000
