48-Years-Owned 1959 Porsche 356A Reutter Coupe

Ended: almost 5 years ago — 20:20 UTC on 26 / May / 2020
What we know: 1959 Porsche365
48-Years-Owned 1959 Porsche 356A Reutter Coupe
48-Years-Owned 1959 Porsche 356A Reutter Coupe
This vintage automobile is a timeless 1959 Porsche 356A, a rare example of the iconic German automaker's early sports cars. Known as the Reutter Coupe model, it boasts distinctive curves reminiscent of the first Porsche models crafted under Ferry Porsche's visionary design. Belonging to Tennessee, in the United States since its inception decades ago, this 48-year-old classic maintains its original charm, embodying vintage craftsmanship and history on four wheels.
Last bid: $78,500
